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The Republic of Nauru's ISP since 1998
Net Inc.
Nauru Internet Centre Civic Centre Aiwo District Republic of Nauru Central Pacific |
Phone: (674)5587116
ccTLD Administration
Phone: (674) 444 3132 Fax: (674) 444 3111 |
Phone: (674) 444 3370 Fax: (674) 444 3111 |
DNS ResolversCenpac has implemented two new DNS Caching Resolvers as part of the ongoing upgrades to Cenpac's ISP infrastructure. These two resolvers have IP addresses: Customers are strongly encouraged to migrate their device configurations to use these two resolvers. The old Cenpac resolvers will be removed from service at close of business on Friday 21st August 2020. Cenpac notes that some customers have opted to use Google's service for DNS resolution. Please do NOT do this. Using this "free" service means that any DNS lookups will be very slow due to each query traversing Cenpac's redundant satellite links with 500ms+ latency. This will give the appearance of the Internet being very slow, with webpages loading very slowly, or simply timing out. Cenpac's recommendation is to only use Cenpac's resolvers, to guarantee the fastest possible experience. |
ICMP/PingCenpac would like to remind all customers that ICMP must NOT be blocked on their router port facing Cenpac. ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol and is how network devices inform each other of error conditions affecting the delivery of IP packets. If ICMP is blocked, the ability to inform of error conditions is prohibited, having potentially serious implications for connectivity. Cenpac regrets that if ICMP is blocked it cannot help customers troubleshoot last mile connectivity problems between Cenpac and the customer router (CPE). |
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